Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Beauty of Tears

John Vance Cheney once said “the soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears”. Happiness and beauty is what brings one to be able to shed a smile across ones face. A dimple to show, eyes tighten and rejoice to arise. But though many might have bliss certain days there are many other days that many do not shed smiles but tears.
Whatever problems that occur in one’s life it doesn’t matter what it is, big or small. Serious or insignificant our eyes can’t help but to water, and let tears drip down our face as we tend to serenade and swim in our problems. Instead of involuntarily jumping out from that drowning pool and clean those tears and let them dry before more come and sweep by. The beauty of tears is that it can create more joy then what it seems to create; sadness. It could create a wonderful rainbow that we always tend to admire, colorful perfectly symmetrical but brought up from the rain that first hit the concrete floor. We as people seem to think that strength is what makes happiness grow inside us, and strength is the only reason happiness seep within us. But what exactly makes something so beautiful just appear into the sky or in fact inside us?
Our pain. Our suffering. Our tears. The reflection of our pain is what the rainbow displays, but in a way it’s a  sense of release of all the pain and suffering that is within us, the pain and tribulations one went through may have caused a river of tears but brought the beauty of a rainbow to shine through and be seen through reflections of others pupils. A reflection of strength throughout those different tribulations we finally are able to let go, though tears itself may seem weak they are actually what makes us stronger inside, what makes new problems seem easier as the old problems were finally released by tears.
That’s why it is important to cry for once! To let yourself be human and not just be an emotionless rock. Even if one is alone shedding tears its better then to be alone held with emotions for deep down one knows it’s impossible to fight back and win the overall feelings of keeps insid, because that bottle we tend to have inside saving tears day by day will eventually break and leave an emotional outburst that just is too much to even handle all at once
So why let every tear pile and accumulate within us? If at the end of the day we could become a beautiful rainbow glimmering in the sunlight.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Awakening the Spring air

     John O’Donohue once said “when one flower blooms spring awakens everywhere

That moment in life when you realize that you’re just living in nothing but walls, walls created by your mind. Created by how we think we should be around others because we worry how others may see us.  That moment when we realize we were never ourselves, we were never the way we should have been; become someone everyone else wanted you to be. That’s the moment when we are free from our inner walls we were always living in and building higher and higher. Free in becoming who we were always meant to be.        

To be able become someone we always were important because then we realize who we really are. We have to be ourselves, because it would be a way we should have always been; a blooming flower, the way that a candle so small and may seem insignificant be so bright in a dark room. That’s why we have to be consumed with fire when it comes to expressing who we are. To be as strong as fire, is to burn long and leave an impression. To become able to share to others an amazing personality that we tend to hide under the bright lights of a school classroom or overall public places, can give others a smile on their face as they get to be able to meet someone with a unique personality.

We tend to become someone were not and imprint on our minds that we have to give first impression and worry of what many may think of us. But at the end of the day we have to learn to bloom like the flowers in the grass. So we can be able to make that public place not seem like a hollow room with ordinary people, but like a flower awakening the spring air. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Quote Strength (2)

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said “our strength grew out of our weaknesses”. To me this quote at first seemed in a way impossible to grasp ;to exactly have a sense in what it means. But as I realized, it is in fact true in many ways of our life is run. How we live, how our character is built, and how humane we are.

It is odd how pain can evolve into something that reflects our character. How pain and weaknesses make our strength. To have someone break our heart in many different ways not only in love, but to lose somebody, to have someone hurt you,  many different  reasons; to have a stone of downcast weighing down on our emotions is a way makes our strength begin to form into what we see in the mirror.

For example when; I lost my Grandma, I couldn’t see anything in the world anymore, and everything was numb, deaf, a blur, empty I felt like life itself stopped for a while. To wallow up in shadows and thinking everything was nothing but a nightmare that I was soon to wake up synchronized in tears. Something so painful in my life that oddly made me strong it made me realize that the little things (problems) in life were so insignificant and in my eyes those mountains I couldn’t climb over  were just hills that I could just walk around and over. My weakness appeared to me as a little plant on the ground. That when it grew it made me stronger and see things differently. See the world a different place, see the weaknesses meek. So why is it important to let our weaknesses flood out of ourselves? To build our character in life. To build a fight so when the next dilemma appears we won’t feel dillusioned with what to respond, say and think. To know that life is just a measly roller coaster, it goes up and down, and we just have to be prepared to face our weaknesses, because facing them will make that plant grow into something beautiful in our life that will help us in our future. Though it’s hard to face those flaws in life, we have to learn that pain is only temporary but the strength that is grown is forever lasting. It doesn’t matter what fault it is, because every person has similar or different weaknesses it’s just in matter when one decides to face it.

                So its ok to be blue, its ok to cry or be angry, for everyone has a different way to react in facing their feebleness and not to hide it behind a mask. For the ones releasing their feelings are the ones who are just ready in showing that they can face their weakness. We just need to realize that confronting our emotions is not always easy, but it’s not impossible and it is important to be aware for when the future falls on the roller coasters. Because weaknesses is just part of life that will eventually transform into something beautiful implanted into ones existence; strength.  For every story has a beginning we just have to wait to “overcome” each chapter and know that there is a happy ending when the page gets turned.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Love Quote



A unanimous writer once wrote “trying to make someone fall in love with you is about as pointless as trying to control who you fall in love with”.  As I read this quote repeatedly, it wrapped around my mind in what exactly it means and what the point is and what is it trying to indicate in one’s mind.

In my mind; this unanimous person trying to state that the importance of love and how we maneuver the scandalous emotion is sometimes what drives someone insanely unpredictably unstably emotional. One may say love is full of joy and tawdry sayings and doings like such but love itself can be painful and bring a sense of downcast in ones emotions. Bring negative sentiments to oneself esteem and even change how someone sets their ambiance in mood. What it seems is this unanimous person is trying to specify two types of people; someone who is going through unrequited love and someone who is denial of being in love. Unrequited love is painful! To imagine to have the person you care for sway you around their arms (or vice versa) and having someone to hold instead of always holding  a pillow or teddy bear but then realizing that it was a delirious imagination once again. And then seeing the person you dearly love walk away and seeing your imagination come true but not with you but with someone else. Yeah, ouch that aches. But there’s nothing we can do about it but get out of that delirium and see reality, because trying to make someone fall in love with you is as pointless and uncontrollable as when you first realized emotions bloomed for a person you thought as just a friend, and then realizing you are just fighting those feelings away day by day but at the end its uncontrollable! It’s just how life took its turn; unpredictable. That’s why it’s pointless.

To control oneself feelings is something but a dream, you see it happening but you can’t do anything about it, it just happens. The emotion of oneself takes its own stand and controls ones willpower. Makes that self-control helpless, desperate and once again; unpredictable. But resisting against this quote and fighting against it can really bring negative effects. Even though love can be a sweet thing that causes much joy and laughter to oneself, but as I said before it can be a thorn in one’s heart. For example my experience, oh how I fell for someone during the summer, in my eyes; he was PERFECT, great attitude, looks, personality overall! But then I realized as I began to drift apart from those emotions not only did I realize that it was unrequited love but my emotions never correlated with my brain. Everything that I thought was him, how perfect he was, was just my emotions molding him that way. My emotions coloring the picture of how I fantasied on a perfect person for a perfect relationship. Yeah love can make you do and think foolish things. That’s what the point is! Love is just an uncontrollable; we just have to deal with it.

That’s what the short quote declares in details just with those short words! To love somebody and to not have that love back just makes are emotions unbalanced! Just as unbalanced as fighting emotions. Make us insane in a way, but to make us use reality when it comes to someone who you might think is the perfect one and someone who you don’t want to think it’s the perfect one. That’s why there is no point to fight, no point to resist those feelings because at the end of the day it’s as pointless as trying to make someone fall in love with you.